Outside, deep in the woods, I heard a long keening wail, and then another, as the wolves began to howl. More voices pitched in, some low and mournful, others high and short, an eerie and beautiful chorus. I knew my Sam's howl; his rich tone sang out above the others as if begging me to hear it.

My heart ached inside me, town between wanting them to stop and wishing they would go on forever. I imagined myself there among them in the golden woods, watching them tilt their heads back and howl underneath a sky of endless stars. I blinked a tear away, felling foolish and miserable, but I didn't go to sleep until every wolf had fallen silent.


If you believe in me, then I'll believe in you
~lewis Carroll

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music
~George Carlin

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth
~Mark Twain, I think :)

The Ready Set- Love Like Woe

Sunday, January 31, 2010


yay! The grammy's are on tonight! w00t! I've been waiting all MONTH for this. I don't know how I'll make it until july when Linger comes out. I am SOOOO excited about it!! The snow looks so pretty tonight :) I love snow. but I can't wait for summer, or for my trip to NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!! in march! :D :D :D I CAN NOT WAIT!! I need a new wardrobe XD

Friday, January 29, 2010


OMG this week has been totally busy!! Today I have piano and a meeting for my Envirothon compatition. That will be fun. Yesterday I went to my cousins house to help her get ready for her new baby. I have also discovered a new band I am totally in love with! Owl city. ever heard of them? they are soooo good. Well, I should say HE is so good because it's only one guy. anyways, i gotta go shower and stuff. cya!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Today was Monday!!!

Shoot. I hate Monday, but today was OK, actually. I had biology. That was fun, except I got a bugus lap partner. Me: Can I do something? Him: No! No, you can't do anything. Me: ok then. I'm just gonna mess around then. Him: Build something, I said! *sigh*. He's SUCH a nerd. LOL, anyway, tomorrow I go to the library. That's ALWAYS fun! I got to go, bye!

Friday, January 22, 2010

ugh. have of me love fridays and quarter of me hates it. The other part of me doesn't give a crap.

it is 1:09 on friday afternoon. I just got back from my piano lesson, Joann fabrics and Barnes and Noble. Argh. my stupid library card is blocked so I can't request the Twilight Parody I found. I really want to swear right now. My book is going well. I'm editing right now, but the actual book is far from done. I'm reading a book about writing books XD. I've got to go eat lunch. cya!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I have finished the twilight series

I have finished the twilight series. Two weeks of my life I will never get back. I will review it right now and try not to swear. (And I speak for the whole series)
Well, I've never been so disappointed by a book ever. Twilight gets a grade of 2, new moon gets 3, eclipse gets 2 and breaking dawn gets 2. First of all, there is no character development in any of the books, which results in being confused by their changing personalities while you are reading. Second, all the men are total jerks and Bella plays victim. When Bella gets pregnant, the pregnancy is a horrible ordeal for her and everyone she loves, which makes the reader think: PREGNANCY SUCKS AND IT'S THE WORST THING YOU COULD EVER GO THROUGH. Then, when Bella gives birth, she almost dies for god sakes. what kind of a message does that send? Then the ending was terribly boring and stupid and I found myself just wanting it to be over. all in all, a terrible series.

Anyway, Today I have nothing to do :) yay! My novel is coming along really well and I know what it's going to be about. I'm working editing small sections so the big job may be smaller. Tomorrow I have my piano lesson which is always fun, and saturday I have horseback. Hopefully I won't fall off this time. Well I gotta go watch the dog. Cya!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today was Monday. Again.

Today was Monday, and I had biology class. That was fun :) we did an experiment that I forget now, LOL. I also started writing my newest novel. I think I mentioned that already... I know what it's going to be about, but I can't say because someone might steal my idea. The Golden Globes were fun last night :) I wish I was there. Some good awards were given, including Avatar for best movie of the year. I haven't seen it yet but I want to. Tomorrow my sister has another chess class, and I'm going to the library with my friends. and I've got new books in! yay!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well. Today was Sunday. I went shopping and got some new lip gloss :) Then I came home and started my book!!!! I want to have it done by the end of this year. It's pretty good, I think :) Tomorrow I have biology class and I'm getting Breaking Dawn from the library, the last book in the twilight series. they were not good. I just finished reading the Adoration of Jenna Fox. That was pretty good. It's hard to explain so you'll have to read it. I'm also getting The Host, by Stephanie Meyer. Well, I g2g. posting tomorrow!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My saturday

well, I had horseback today which didn't go so well. I rode the new lesson horse, Rebel. He's green. REALLY green. I almost fell off while I was jumping and his canter was wayyy to fast. Then I went to a cafe for lunch and got a peanut butter choco chip cookie. yumz :D Then I finished a book and cleaned my room. Pretty eventful, huh? I am now on facebook and goodreads. and hoping tomorrow something exciting will happen :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Awesome day!

I had an awesome day today! First a piano lesson, then a field trip and then sledding with friends :) I wish every saturday was like this! Snow shoeing was suprisingly fun, actually. but it's really tiring. My piano lesson was better then usual. I actually practiced yesterday so I was prepared, LOL. My dad might be going to London nexy year for a buisness trip. I am sooo jealous!! I'm writing a new book this year, but I don't know what it should be about. any ideas? When I grow up, I'm moving to paris and getting a flat with a view of the eiffel tower. sounds great, no? gotta sign off! cya tomorrow!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Snow everywhere!!!

Happy Thursday! Tonight is the new series of Project Runway on Lifetime at 10:00 PM. sooo excited!! So what is everyone's plans for the day? Mine are schoolwork, (always fun) um.. thats about it :D and my show tonight. yay! A relaxing day. I went shopping yesterday and got some great hand lotion from bath and body works. Pink Grapefruit and Jasmine. yummm... I am almost finished with Eclipse. It wasn't to bad but there was NO character development. *sigh* I just made a button of my dogs head...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Book sale!!

I'm going to a used book sale today! yay! Some guy is in my backyard cutting down trees?? LEAVE MY TREES ALONE!!! XD That kid we babysitt, Mason, is upstairs watching Dora the Explorer. That show is soooo stoopid. It's like, how stupid are do people think toddlers these days??? I can't wait for winter to be over. I hate the cold weather. I'm thinking of joining a basketball team or girls tennis this year, plus making swim team. I'm reading book #3 in the twilight series, Eclipse. It's not that bad so far. New moon was pretty good, except Jacob is a total jerk. lol. I have 12 books to read! did I mention this before???

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Good morning, people!! Happy tuesday!! I have something else to confess: I live in the Finger Lakes, in Ithaca, not in NYC :( I wish I did tho. :) does everyone NOT hate me? good. I finished New Moon. It was a lot better then Twilight, in my opinion. Now I'm reading Everafter by Amy Huntley. Does anyone have a facebook??? I NEED COMMENTS!!!!!!!! I know people MUST be reading, right?

Monday, January 11, 2010

monday :(

Today was Monday. Actually it wasn't that bad. My sister played outside in all the snow and made snow angels. it was fun until she dumped snow on my head. Then I hat hot cocoa and played wii and now I am blogging :D I finished a book called How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford. It was really good. Unique. Now I'm reading New Moon. Shoot, I'm getting a cold sore. Dang it. lol anyway I dressed very colorfully today: Pink Skinny Jeans, pink converse, rainbow shirt and green bead necklace. I felt like a rainbow :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I'ma going sledding today!! w00t! So whats new with all you people out there? It's sunday already :( which triggers Monday. Bleck. But, on Monday, I have my biology class! yay! and I did all my homework this time ;) But anyway, my room looks like a tornado hit it. my mom threatened awful things if I don't get it clean, lol. On tuesday I meet some friends at my library which is always fun and on wednesday my mom babysits. again. And guess what's going on thursday night??? the new season of project runway!!! yay!!!!! I can't wait :) Well, gotta go get ready to sled. cya!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I have a confession to make: I am actually only 14. LOL, I wanted to be fake for a while. anyway I hope u don't hate me for it....

I went shopping today and got 3 new tee shirts. yay! I was in desperate need of new clothes. My christmas tree went out to the curb today :( I am always sad when that happens. Now the living room looks empty. No sledding today either, probably tomorrow. But I get to watch my fave movie later (NOT): home alone 2. *sigh* I NEED A CELLPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ack! I am thinking of maybe being a stylist when I grow up. lol, such a funny expression: when I grow up. So anywayz, there MUST be SOMEONE reading this blog so I want some comments!!!! :) LOL, anyway, I finished another book today. Daughters of the Sea by kathryn Lasky. I didn't really like it. I was a bit shallow... I have 2 more books in for me and 3 to read at home and I want to read new moon.... lotslotslots of books to read :)


It's finally saturday!!! yay! I have 0 plans for the day except maybe shopping later :) I am in bad need of some new jeans + graphic tee's. Oh yeah, and sledding later with my dad and sister. Please give a warm welcome to Sarah, my latest follower that I also don't know!! yay! :) welcome Sarah. I never realized how much fun keeping a blog was. it has greatly improved my mood. It is SOOO cold out today, like 17 degrees. :( I can't stand cold weather. I finished twilight. it wasn't good and it wasn't bad either. it was eh. But back to cold winter days.
Pros: you get to curl up with a good book or play the wii or go shopping. Or play outside and plus the snow is so pretty!!
Cons: It's wet and cold and it's just not summer anymore.
Well, I gotta sign off. cya, peeps!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Do you ever wonder about fate or true love? how about *magic*? Sometimes when you are about to loose hope, just believe. do I sound mellow? I am about to do some yoga so I am mellowing out. My families apartment looks out over central park and it's so pretty there at night. so romantic... My room has all windows. it's painted light, light pink and has some of my fave things in it. like the fashion collage I made when I was 14, all my books and my.. yes.. barbies :) I wanted to be a vet once but blood makes me queasy. I had it all planne out: I was going to go to cornell in Ithaca and then start my own company. Sigh, the dreams you have when you are young. I either am going towards fashion design or a marine biologist. I am a vegetarian. I can't imagine eating my animal friends. I am not on team Jacob OR team *shudder* Edward. Just wanted to clear a couple things upppp :)

Am I boring?

Hey, I've got a question. Am I boring????? I sure hope not. *gasp* that would be awful. SOMEONE ELSE FOLLOW THIS BLOG PLZ!!! I stargaze during the summer. I just love a good full moon :) their's something.... magical about it, you know? The year is young, people! change your life!!

Twilight is awful.

Twilight is awful. want to hear my review? here goes: Edward and Bella are sarcastic good-for-nothings that talk in uncomplete sentances and go off on random rants. I am suprised Bella isn't dead yet; she is constantly falling over and tripping. anyways... I'm not reading the whole series. Piano was cancelled today :( now my sister has a friend over. yay. Pizza bagels for lunch!! I have a new graphic tee shirt with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy and daisy duck as babies wearing shutter shades :D and new songs for my MP3 player: Sweet Dreams, Beyonce. Gives you hell, all american rejects. Naturally, Selena Gomez. My puppy is sitting on my lap :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am feeling pretty low

I am feeling pretty low right now and I don't know why. *sigh*. At least tomorrow is Saturday :) might go sledding this weekend.... anyway, I want to buy some songs off amazon mp3 downloader. I love that thing! The sequel to shiver doesn;t come out until JULY. well at least I got 6 new books from the library today, including twilight. Which I would never read, but my friend told me it was really good, sooo..... lol. gotta sign off now! bye!

After a long night...

Hola Chicas! Boy did I have fun last night. The PCA's were awesome! Taylor Swift won for best female artist and Taylor lautner gave the worst acceptance speech ever for best breakout male actor. I just finished eating grapes, part of my new years resolution to eat healthier this year. How does everyone like my shiver quotes??? is ANYONE reading this blog??? Anyways, tomorrow I have my first piano lesson of this deacde :) VERY exciting!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My goodreads account

Hey everyone! Here is my goodreads account. Check it out!


Wednesday, junary 6th 2010

Hello, all my loyal readers and fans! I slept in this morning :) Ahhh, the beauties of homeschooling. I wanted to welcome urbanfantasy14 to this blogs followers! Welcome, Urban :) you are my first follower that I DON'T know! yay! Have any of you ever heard of a book called Shiver? If so, I love you! If not, I still love you but you have to read that book. It was so sweet and sad. The picture I posted today reminds a little bit of it. Anyways, here I go ranting again. Lets get on a more interesting topic, shall we? Today I am absolutley free to do whatever I want, except for my schoolwork and chores. I saw a little tiny bunny last night when I was walking my dog. It was so adorable :) Well, I've gotta go. Cya!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I cut my hand this morning.

I cut my hand this morning on my closet's hat holder. It wasn't very deep but it hurt like CRAZY. Then, on my field trip, my friend told me it looked "suspiciously close to my wrist." lol. I hit them with a snowball cause it was really snowy and my hands felt like they were going to fall off. Tomorrow, my mom babysits a 2 year old who saw me playing my mario DS game and said "oh look, it's walking game." XD. a walking game. Well, I gotta go eat some homemade pesto! Caio!

GOOD morning!

Hey everyone!! What happened to my plans for sleeping in? well, they kinda flew out the window this morning upon discovering I had a soil study class for my environmental HS club. Let me just ask 1 question: How do you study frozen soil???? It's stopped snowing (finally!) and no one has walked in my backyard and made footprints yet. which I must take care of :) By the way, the peoples choice awards are on tomorrow night at either 8 PM or 9 PM east. time. There will be some pretty big celebs there, including Taylor Lautner and Taylor swift. So be sure to tune in! I know I will be. Do you know what kinds of people bother me? money greedy people. people who have $$$$$ but always want MORE. even when there are starving people all over the world. it just bugs me. oh, and I need some dog training tips ASAP. my little Sammy is in jeopardy!!! :( So I gotta go now since I still have to get dressed, do my makeup, eat lunch AND finish a math lesson before 11:00. I'll try to tune in later! bye!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Monday

Here is the extent of my monday: My little sisters chess club, My biology class, then some super mario bros wii, and now I am drinking grape juice out a giant disney mug :) My biology class was fun, we made milk into "curds and whay?" which was kinda gross. it's STILL snowing!! it's really pretty tho :D well, gotta go do some more wii bowling. cya!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I am talking to you guys again today

I just finished writing a biology lab report. Mucho confusingo!! It's finally (hopefully) done though and I can relax after my busy night. It's snowing outside right now. it's so prettyful :) there must be, like, 10 inches already and it's only 4:00! next weekend, I am SO going sledding. I want to do something amazing this year, like something totally special and unique. Any ideas? I want some comments!!!!!! right now you get some awesome makeup tips!!

If you have very pale skin, don't wear anything to dark or you will look like a ghost. the same does NOT apply for darker skin. and I know from experiance!

Pink goes with every eye, hair and skin color: eye shadow, blush and lipgloss/stick. it makes you look naturally pretty :)

forgot your blush? don't sweat it! use your lipstick instead.

and check out these videos:

These awesome youtubers have awesome makeup and nail art tips for you!!

but remember: these tips may not apply to everyone.

well, time to sign off. Caio!


Hello all my loyal readers! are you out there??? it is now 9:57 AM. I got about 5 hours of sleep last night and I am still mega super tired. LOL but my sleepover was awesome! I got a pretty good haul for christmas, including a wii game system!! w00t! it's so much fun. what did y'all get for the holiday season? I love all the Holiday traditions, like baking cookies, cutting down and decorating the tree and visiting with the fam. But I was sick this year :( and couldn't do that. No, I don't want pity. I want a little SYMPATHY! ;) anyway, I am writing a novel this year. but I need help choosing a topic. when I was like, 12, I started a bogus book about a girl who goes off to an Irish boarding school and rides horses. yeah. but it wasn't really going anywhere. So suggestions, people!!! I gotta sign off now, cya all later! :)

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New year everyone!!!! the date is january 1st, 2010. a whole new year = a whole new me. and who am I? I am Stargirl, aspiring artist/fashion designer/marine biologist. I believe in fate, true love and destiny. by the time I am 50, I want to have seen the world, became famous, all that jazz. right now? I am a simple 16 year old homeschooler from the big apple. I am so syked about the new year. it's going to be fab, I just know it. my wants for this year are:

1. to break my nail biting habit :(

2. to design my first and hopefully not last peice of clothing

3. to paint my room

4. to write my first fan letter. to who? I'll never say ;)

5. to make swim team

so as you can see, by the time this year is over, I will be an incredibly well rounded person. or should be, anyways. oh, and here are my current stats!

name: Stargirl

age: 17

hometown: the big apple

current time: 4:05 AM

current mood: exhausted

song of choice: Fallin for you by Colbie Caillat

So thats me in a nutshell. since this is the internet, I can't give out to much personal info such as my email, home phone or facebook link. sorry! :) well, thats all for now, I think. and one more thing:

Dance as though no one is watching

Sing as though no one can hear you

Love as though you've never been hurt before

Live as though heaven is on earth
