Outside, deep in the woods, I heard a long keening wail, and then another, as the wolves began to howl. More voices pitched in, some low and mournful, others high and short, an eerie and beautiful chorus. I knew my Sam's howl; his rich tone sang out above the others as if begging me to hear it.

My heart ached inside me, town between wanting them to stop and wishing they would go on forever. I imagined myself there among them in the golden woods, watching them tilt their heads back and howl underneath a sky of endless stars. I blinked a tear away, felling foolish and miserable, but I didn't go to sleep until every wolf had fallen silent.


If you believe in me, then I'll believe in you
~lewis Carroll

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music
~George Carlin

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth
~Mark Twain, I think :)

The Ready Set- Love Like Woe

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

awesome tag I got from a friend!

Books I've read recently or am reading now:
1. Impossible by Nancy Werlin
2. Once was lost by Sara Zarr
3. Claire de Lune by I forgot who...
4. The View from the top
5. Evermore by Alyson Noel
6. Radience by Alyson Noel
7. Sleepless by Cyn Balog
8. Hold Still by Nina Lacour

8 Songs or Albums I listen to all the time:
1. Love Like Woe by The Ready Set <3<3<3
2. Magic by B.O.B
3. Melody's song by The Ready Set
4. Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
5. Just a Dream by Nelly
6. Riot! by Paramore
7. Can't Stand it by Nevershoutnever!
8. To The Sky by Owl City

8 things I love<3
1. Summer
2. movies
3. Jordan Witzigreuter
4. sleepovers
5. writing
6. singing
7. dancing
8. music

8 thins I've learned this year:
1. how to (kinda) play guitar
2. life sucks sometimes
3. I can actually dance!
4. how to enjoy the simple things in life
5. that I could cross the border and go into canada by myself if I wanted >:D
6. classical music is awesome
7. I love airplanes<3
8. that's all

8 favorite online hangouts:
1. facebook!!
2. twitter
3. blogger
4. google
5. youtube
6. that's all

AND OMG I MIGHT BE GOING TO SEE THE READY SET IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I am DYING with excitment!!!! heehee <3 That's Jordan Witzigreuter, in the picture <3 sooooooooooooo cute!!!