Outside, deep in the woods, I heard a long keening wail, and then another, as the wolves began to howl. More voices pitched in, some low and mournful, others high and short, an eerie and beautiful chorus. I knew my Sam's howl; his rich tone sang out above the others as if begging me to hear it.

My heart ached inside me, town between wanting them to stop and wishing they would go on forever. I imagined myself there among them in the golden woods, watching them tilt their heads back and howl underneath a sky of endless stars. I blinked a tear away, felling foolish and miserable, but I didn't go to sleep until every wolf had fallen silent.


If you believe in me, then I'll believe in you
~lewis Carroll

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music
~George Carlin

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth
~Mark Twain, I think :)

The Ready Set- Love Like Woe

Thursday, April 22, 2010


HEYZZZZ. Today is thursday. The project Runway season finale is on tonight. it's an hour and a half long!!! It's going to be so awesome. Tomorrow I have piano and we are going to go out to lunch with some friends. god bless my homeschool life XD On saturday I have horseback again. woo hoo! Today is earth day. is everyone doing their part to stay green??? I know I am. by taking a really long shower ;D I helped my mom outside today. that was fun. messy, but fun :) Well, I've gotta go save the world now. bye!